Uzbekistan antique Bukhara silk velvet fragament (57 x 37cm)

£ 180.00

57 x 37 cm  //  23" x  15" inches 

This famous design of ikat velvet is known from robes and probably the manufactured product of a single workshop in Bukhara. The technique was lost in the Soviet era until relatively recently when it was revived by practitioners in Ferghana about 25 years ago and which now exceeds the original product in term of repertoire at Ferghana.

The small antique fragment has either been adapted for the modern art trade or for some amulet purpose after it was presumably cut down from a robe. It is bounded by a later early 20th cent abr ( cloud ) ikat and lined with a floral cotton print. 

19th cent with contemporary 19 th c. stripped silk banding . The  velvet pile is showing signs of wear - see 18483 a smaller example without wear but without the contemporary binding

Ref • 18482